Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest Post - Consider Lilies DIY Fall Wreath :D

laura is one of my long-time friends (part of a group of six of us we've called "the lakehouse girls" - we've been friends since high school) and i am so honored and thankful to have her post on my blog! she is such a cute and crafty mom of two (with a third on the way!) who has the coolest ideas about home decor, grace and family. please visit her blog considerlilies and her etsy shop:

and without further ado - here is her fabulous guest post!

DIY Fall Wreath

Hi there! My name is Laura and I am a wife (my favorite thing to be!), a mom to two of the greatest little kids ever, and a homemaker. I like to make stuff when I have time and you can keep up with all of that over at my blog, ConsiderLilies.

I am digging the ruffle trend I see everywhere these days, so when I decided to change out the wreath on the door for fall, ruffles seemed like the thing to do...

For starters, collect all of the items below. For the ruffles, I bought some colored felt and whipped them out on the sewing machine (this takes just a couple of minutes) to the desired length. (To make ruffles, set your sewing machine to the longest possible straight stitch setting. DON'T backstitch. When you're done, pull on the loose strings at the end and it will gather.)
Then start wrapping the wreath base in yarn (it will take less time if the yarn is thicker) and glue it with craft glue on the backside as you go.
After that, place your ruffles where you want them and glue them down in the back as well. Affix your little bird (I used straight pins) and you're done!
Thanks, Erin, for treating me to a little spot on your blog:). I'm feelin' honored! And happy fall to everyone!!!

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